The Most Popular Myths About Los Angeles

People who have never visited Los Angeles have pre-conceived notions about this charming city. Most of the misconceptions are derived from the fact that the City of Angels is the entertainment and fashion capital of the nation. If it’s your visit to Los Angeles, you will be surprised to find the complete opposite of the following popular myths about Lalaland during your Los Angeles Tour.


It’s Sunny All The Time
Every year, at the beginning of summer, the weather in Los Angeles enters a paradoxical phase called “June Gloom.”  Overcast sky covered with clouds is met with clear blue sky in the afternoons, making even the summers not sunny all the time.


It’s Blazing Hot At The Beach
The average temperature at the beaches is about 70 degrees, all year long. The heat waves hit the beaches only for a few weeks in summer during which the temperature rises up to 80-90 degrees. During the winters, the temperature drops below 70 degrees intermittently.


Walking Is Impossible in LA
There are plenty of shops and hangout places in Hollywood, Downtown, Venice Beach, Santa Monica, Pasadena, and Long Beach which can be covered on feet. During your Los Angeles sightseeing tour, make sure to explore one of the guided walking tours, as that is one of the best ways to soak in the city. The city also has some popular hiking spots like Runyan Canyon which is just a few blocks away from the Hollywood Walk of Fame.


Majority People In LA Work In the Entertainment Industry
Unlike this popular myth, not everyone in the City of Angels is associated with entertainment and media. The number one industry in LA is manufacturing and the city is in fact the largest manufacturing center of the United States.


It’s A Concrete Jungle
The Hollywood Hills, Santa Monica Mountains, and the lush green Griffith Park that extends over 4000 acres within the city limits are probably some of the greenest areas in California.


LA Is A Dangerous City
Like any other big city, some parts in LA are unsafe especially at nights. But all the tourist areas and places within the city that are bustling with activities are very much safe to move around even in the nights. In fact, LA is known for its night life.


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