Tours4Fun’s Facts to Tour de District

If your idea of a perfect vacation is visiting historic memorials, significant monuments, and museums that speak about the rich heritage of United States, then Washington D.C. is the destination for you.

Passports provides detailed information about the passport requirements for traveling to United States, categorized according to countries, under the “International Travel” tab on its homepage.  It also facilitates application of U.S passports for citizens and minors. The processing time for a passport application normally takes 4 to 6 weeks. It takes 3 weeks for an expedited process requiring a higher processing fee. 

The “Visas” section on provides a step by step guide for the visa application process, depending on the type or category of U.S visa applicable to you. It is important to apply for a passport and a visa well in advance of your travel.  

Even though the United States has no value-added tax (VAT) at the national level, every state, county, and city levies its own local tax on all purchases, including hotel and restaurant checks and airline tickets. The sales tax on merchandise is 5.75%, the restaurant tax is 10%, and the hotel tax is 14.5% in the District.

Tipping is a common way of showing appreciation in return of the services provided by the service staff at hotels and is considered as an important gesture in the District. During your stay make sure you tip the concierge, bellhops, valet-parking attendants $1 at least every time you avail their service. In restaurants, bars, and nightclubs tip the service staff 15% to 20%, bartenders 10% to 15% of your check and cab drivers 15% of the fare. Tipping is certainly not mandatory if the service is unsatisfactory.

Public Restrooms
Public restrooms with basic facilities can be found in hotel lobbies, bars, restaurants, museums, department stores, railway and bus stations, and service stations.

The District promotes a smoke-free environment by banning smoking in public places. Smoking is permitted outdoors, unless otherwise specified.

Drinking Laws
The legal age for purchasing and consuming alcoholic beverages is 21. The proof of your age is often requested at bars, nightclubs, and restaurants.  It’s a good idea to carry your ID along with you when you go out for a drink. Even though the liquor stores are closed on Sunday, the mom-and-pop grocery stores and the convenience stores like 7-Eleven, sell beer and wine, even on Sunday.

Now that you know some valuable facts relevant to your travel to this historic city, Tours4Fun hopes to that you tour de District with our Washington D.C. Tours.


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