Extend Your Sightseeing Tour With The Tours4Fun Hotel Extension

Hotel Extension

When you book your sightseeing tour with Tours4Fun, you can be sure that we’re doing all we can to provide you with the best tour experience we can possibly provide. While each tour is unique, we still strive to take care of you in every way for the duration of your package tours. The one thing we previously hadn’t been able to assist you with is your lodging before and after your trip with us. Now however, thanks to a new feature that will soon be available, we’ve even found a way to work with you on that as well!

Because of our unique relationship with our hotel providers, we’ve been able to extend our discounted rates to include any time you book before and/or after your trip with us. So for example, if you’re taking a San Francisco tour with us and want to arrive a few days early to take a look around Alcatraz or Fisherman’s Wharf, you’ll be able to book your room with us and get a great deal at the same time! The same process applies if you’d like to stick around after your tour – simply click the button that reads, “Arriving Early or Staying Late?” and enter your information. We’ll arrange your reservations to make sure you have a great place to stay for the duration of your vacation at the great prices Tours4Fun can get for you.

So while we’re sure that you’ll have all the fun you can handle on your all-inclusive, expert-guided tour with Tours4Fun, we also realize that you may want to get there a little early or stick around a little longer to explore on your own. Save some money and avoid the hassle by arranging not only sightseeing tours, but also your extended hotel room needs with Tours4Fun today!


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