The World’s Most Scenic Archipelago’s

This world is home to a variety of beautiful and scenic archipelagos from the Arctic Ocean to the Pacific and Atlantic. These archipelagos truly stand out because of their natural resources, colorful wildlife, scenic views and culture.
One of the most scenic archipelagos, which mesmerizes’ its visitors at first glance with its cactuses as tall as trees and its rare, unique birds and animals is The Galapagos Islands, which are located a thousand kilometres off the coast of Ecuador in South America. They are absolutely breathtaking from their unspoiled, white sandy beaches with the occasional sea-lion popping its head of the pristine, blue water, to the arid, dry, almost desert of Baltra island, where huge, green iguanas make the local runway their home. Here you will find blue-footed boobies and frigate birds that swell their bright red chests when they are ready to mate, and black sea iguanas that sometimes will share a swim with an unsuspecting tourist.
Another archipelago with fantastic scenery is the little known Bay Islands, which are located 14 kilometres north of Honduras in Latin America. There are three main islands including Roatan (which houses the second largest barrier reef in the world), Utila and Guanaja (which is an island with no roads, therefore no cars are needed, small dingy boats are used to cross over to the different sections of the island which make for very many great views of greenery and small cliffs which make up this island).

These fantastic islands offer palm-treed lined beaches with stunning views of the sunset as well as fabulous crystal blue waters and are simply a delight for animals and divers alike.
Another fantastically beautiful archipelago is the islands which make up The Philippines, each complete with its own dialect and culture. Every island is unique and different, from Manila the capital city being a huge, sprawling metropolis with a state-of-the-art subway system, to the sandy, white beaches found in Mindanao, or to the fishing villages found in Ilo-Ilo, there is something for everyone here.
The Falkland Islands, which are located near Antarctica offer some of the most fantastic hills and valleys to extraordinary untouched beaches where penguins lay about in the sun and frolic.

Other archipelagos with gorgeous scenery include the archipelago that makes up Japan and the magnificent Hawaii Islands.

The world is made up of archipelagos, which are waiting to be explored and admired by you.


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