Great Dining Experiences on the Washington D.C. Tours Menu


Well-planned Washington D.C. tours are going to make sure you see all the sights – and they are truly incredible – but what they might not arrange for you is where to eat. If you’re okay with grabbing something at the nearest restaurant there are plenty of them around. But if you want something special, there are many, many great restaurants in Washington D.C. – tours to the area would just not be complete without hitting at least one of them.

If you want to really splurge, and it’s a good idea to do that at least once, check out Michel Richard Citronelle. Michel Richard is a world-renowned chef – five star fare and an elegant dining experience. Expensive but delicious, and you’ll be in the company of dignitaries and celebrities.

For top of the line Asian, you’ll want Makoto or TenPenh. The intimate setting of Makoto is perfect for a romantic Japanese lunch or dinner (check reviews here), while TenPenh offers Asian-Pacific inspired contemporary cuisine. TenPenh is decorated in a style inspired by Hong Kong’s bistros, complete with outdoor dining and people watching. TenPenh is not overly expensive, and some say it rivals the best Asian restaurants in New York!

For a rustic wine bar with tasty Italian, try Dino’s – a travel tour favorite.

Seafood is served all over the city but you’ll find some of the most sublime best at Café Atlantica. That’s not all they serve – try their other delicacies as well.

Washington D.C. tours routinely inspire awe: there’s so much to see, and every sight has deep significance for every person living in America. A good dining experience is the icing on the cake and deserves a spot on your travel tour menu.


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