CRUSH4FUN: If World Was Made Up Of Cheapest Destinations…Then We’d All Travel



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Apparently, the world is full of cheapest destinations! And it is not hard to believe if you are a travel enthusiast who has discovered Tim Leffel’s  Cheapest Destinations Blog . The award-winning travel writer has been around the globe several times to churn out rich travel resources, which make you want to catch a flight and set out on a journey to a place that was known to you as a mere dot on the world map.


Tim’s blog has been nurturing intelligent insights on budget traveling since 2003, as the author consistently enriches it by unraveling the untapped beauty of some of the most exotic destinations in the world.  Exploring the world on a tight budget doesn’t seem that agonizing after perusing Tim’s Travel Advice on Cheap Travel right from filtering the right destinations to visit, finding cheap accommodation, economical mode of transport, valuable travel gear, to insuppressible travel bargains. Many articles feature enthralling accounts indigenous to the traveling destination and provide a glimpse of the native customs, giving a heads-up to the travelers before attempting to blend into an entirely new culture. What appealed to us the most about Tim’s blog is the fact that a lot of his posts are inspired by his own travel experiences and adventures. Tim’s passion for travel and  piquant enthusiasm in sharing his journey with his fellow travelers, aspiring excursionists, and globe-trotters around the world, makes his blog outright exclusive. Tours4Fun was particularly impressed that Tim supports traveling the globe to make a difference. After all, nothing can be more gratifying than traveling for a cause and contributing towards making this world a better place.


To sum up Tim Leffel’s award-winning blog in one sentence – This is one blog which makes the combination cheap and travel look so good that you want to know how it feels to travel smart on a light pocket, right away! (Of course, without having to compromise on the sweet pleasures of traveling)


To all the iPhone travelers, you are just a touch away from exploring the cheapest destinations on this planet. Enter the world of cheap travel by downloading the third edition of Tim Leffel’s book – The World’s Cheapest Destinations: 21 Countries Where Your Dollars are Worth a Fortune, by visiting this link.


As our post today focused on cheap travel, we thought it would be great to remind our readers of some of our jaw-dropping budget tours that we have in our tour collection. At Tours4Fun, it’s all about respecting the sentiment of a frugal traveler. Book a ticket to a budget tour today! It really is as simple as it sounds.




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