Consejos de Viaje, Viajes Asequibles

Niclas Aarestrup Talks Traveling on a Budget

Travelling on a budget makes a lot of sense. Back when I had just turned 18 and was going out on a holiday without my parents I managed to spend around 5,300 USD on a 2 week vacation in France (and that doesn’t include flight and hotel). I had a great time during the vacation and a slightly less great time when I got back home.

So why did this happen? Well, first of all I had been given just about any kind of plastic card imaginable by my bank, plus a stack of EuroCheques. And what was even worse, I had made absolutely no attempt at making a budget for the trip even though I had been to France before and thus had a pretty good idea what expenses I should expect.

Viajes Asequibles

CRUSH4FUN: If World Was Made Up Of Cheapest Destinations…Then We’d All Travel



Crush4Fun – is OUR definition of an "Online Crush".


Apparently, the world is full of cheapest destinations! And it is not hard to believe if you are a travel enthusiast who has discovered Tim Leffel’s  Cheapest Destinations Blog . The award-winning travel writer has been around the globe several times to churn out rich travel resources, which make you want to catch a flight and set out on a journey to a place that was known to you as a mere dot on the world map.


Viajes Asequibles, Viajes Turísticos, Yellowstone Tours

Tour Yellowstone National Park with Tours4fun and Avail their First Big Discount for 2010

Tours4Fun has arranged attractive tours this year to the proud conservator of countless marvels of nature – Yellowstone National Park, the world’s first national park that spreads 3,500 square miles across Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho.  Formed due to violent volcanic and glacial activity, it prides in creation of the famous “Old Faithful Geyser” that towers to 184 feet every 60-100 minutes. The park known for its hot springs and geysers also has a high concentration of rivers, lakes and sparkling cascades. Popularly known as North America’s largest high-altitude water body, Yellowstone is known for its rich and dense wildlife.  
