The Delicate Art of Mooching -The Perfect Houseguest?!

Finesse an Invite
Sue Fox, author of Etiquette for Dummies, suggests a subtle approach to feel out whether a family member might be up for hosting you. You could start by asking, "Gee, when I’m in town, maybe I can come by? Can you suggest any hotels in the area?"

"It’s not OK to hint that you should be invited to spend the night," says Lizzie Post, great-great-granddaughter of etiquette authority Emily Post and author of lifestyle guide How Do You Work This Life Thing? "But it can happen through conversation. You might call a friend and say, ‘Hey, we’re coming through town and we’d really love to see you. Could we get together?’ Then, leave it up to them to take the next step. Don’t get upset if they’re not rolling out the welcome mat."

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